
Our dedicated office staff will treat you like a member of our family, with courtesy, professionalism and the highest standards of confidentiality. Your privacy will be secured at all times in a quiet atmosphere. You will never be mistreated by an arrogant or rude staff member.

All patients in the practice will pay an annual fee as follows:

  • Annual fee Patients < 35 years ............$2500 at your first yearly visit (when necessary for your convenience we can establish payment plans at convenient intervals throughout the year.)
  • Patients 21-35 years............$1500/year
  • Patients < 21 years............$1000/year
In exchange for the annual fee you will be entitled to the other advantages described in this web site and listed in the patient agreement. All medical care will be billed in the normal fashion (to Medicare if covered by Medicare, to your insurance if covered by insurance, or to you if not covered by insurance). You will also be responsible for copays and deductible amounts.

The cost of standard phone calls in the United States to you, your family or your doctors, while you are traveling, will not be billed to you. However, you will be responsible for all long distance international or American Territories phone charges, while Dr. Weinberg is helping you with medical issues while you travel in order to optimize your medical care.

Yearly influenza shots, interval DPT and pneumovax will be administered for free when provided for you by the Rhode Island Department of Health. Otherwise flu shots, other vaccinations and injections of medications will be billed to you or to your insurance company.

We accept most medical insurance and, for your convenience, will bill your insurance company or Medicare. If we are in your insurance or managed care network, we will accept the payment in full. Out of network expenses are evaluated on a case by case basis to assist you in minimizing your out of pocket expenses.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact any of our staff.